

未被驯服,未被宠坏,极其粗糙. 欢迎来到你的下一个冒险.

内华达同时包含了很多东西. 霓虹灯闪烁的林荫大道和宽阔的道路. 壮观的舞台表演和星光熠熠的天空. 最现代的艺术和数百万年前的岩层. 浮华. 富有魅力的. 毅力. 还有无尽的惊喜. 关键是, 你是否有心情在这个星球上最好的度假胜地炫耀一番, 在一些国家最隐蔽和令人叹为观止的公园里寻求孤独, 或者干脆让这条路引领你走向人生中最激动人心的时刻, 出乎意料的, 还有未写的下一章, 你的心和思想都处于正确的状态:白银之州. 换句话说: 欢迎来到内华达州.

  • 600多个鬼城——比“活的”还多
  • 巴斯克餐厅和山艾树酒馆
  • 古怪的景点和遥远的艺术

Topa! 内华达文化中的巴斯克人

来自山区, 横跨法国和西班牙的新泽西州大小的地区, 巴斯克人首先是来淘金的,后来是来放牧的. Those who stayed in Nevada held onto their culture and that spirit remains vibrant throughout Nevada today.


那么会是什么呢? 只有你自己的高速公路和土路地平线, 有趣的景点和遥远的艺术, 无尽的户外游乐场和#不值得过滤的荒野……还有很多, 更? 那么以上所有的内容呢? 你来对地方了.


陷入困境? 我们写了逃生手册. 让你的手在令人惊讶的风景, 有趣的城市, 奇怪的景点, and other endless only-in-Nevada experiences that make this place so damn special.



内华达州是一个极端的地方. 天气也不例外. The peak-studded, high-desert north is known for warm days and sharply cooling nights. Meanwhile, the arid, low-desert south temperatures can teeter into triple-digit territory on the reg. 而且,不管你信不信,任何时候都可能下雨或下雪. 在任何地方. That’s why the real pros roll with a down jacket over their bikini and pack both flip-flops and boots. 所以让我们来告诉你如何驾驭这里的天气. 一次一个季节.








# 世界杯下注网站

Be sure to hashtag your stuff and rub virtual elbows with your fellow voyagers. 对了,请随意吸引我们的注意. 我们是@travelnevada. If we love your pic, we might ask to re-share it on our feeds and make you all kinds of Insta-famous.

# ElvisLives! 这是他在#gururoad上闲逛. We'll be visiting him on April 28 to clean up his #cape and take care of his neighbors. 你最喜欢的民间艺术是什么? #fbrhr #blackrockdesert #elvis #theking #graceland #doobielane #gerlach #northernnevada #burnerbyway
这是“卷轴”生活吗?!?! 🎣⠀
Fishing Pyramid Lake has been high up on Josh’s fishing spot bucket list for years... 在太多的其他湖泊,河流和溪流😒. Now, after years of it sitting at the top of that list, we finally crossed it off! ⠀
孩子,如果我们做到了... well Josh fished the hell out of it, Cass just fished when she felt like it 😜⠀
#pyramidlake #flyfishing #troutbum #thetugisthedrug #catchandrelease #flyfishingjunkie #flyfishingnation #flyfishinggirls #lahontancutthroat #nevada #travelnevada #vanlife #vanlifediaries #projectvanlife #adVANtures #lifeontheroad #liveyouradventure #keepitwild #dirtbagdiaries #explore更多的 #getoutside #neverstopexploring #NeverIdle #HeyLetsGo #roadtrip #roadtrippin #wishtowander
Torchbearer maineflycastings doing work with his beast sling at Pyramid Lake with pyramidflyco while on the first vedavoogear Torchbearer RendezVoo -- 📸: jrizzle50 •
#vedavoo #betteramericangear #handbuilt #handcrafted #americanmade #madeinusa #flyfishing #flytying #fishing #trout #keepemwet #travel #cutthroat #outdoors #pyramidlake #nevada #travelnevada #maplesyrup #vedavootorchbearers #lohantoncutthroat
我们钻进了从里诺到黑岩沙漠的#BurnerByway. For 更多的 details on the road trip itinerary and cool things to see along the way visit our page.
And find the Burning Man spirit year-round at gems like the Morris Burner Hostel in 里诺.
#DFMI # 世界杯下注网站 #NVRoadTrip #DiscoverNV #BurningMan #BurningMan2018 #BlackRockCity #BlackRockDesert #Playa #NV #Nevada
Check out all the must-see burningman artwork located beyond the playa in #里诺Tahoe ☮️ Visit the link in our bio! ⬆️
你说“泥浴”,” we say “one of the best au naturel Nevada-style spa experiences in the whole dang state!” 🧖🏻‍♀️♨️🤩
Blast up the #BurnerByway and indulge in some “me time” at a bevy of publicly accessible Black Rock Desert hot springs. These natural-bottomed pools are chock-full of nutrient-rich mud that would set you back a pretty penny at schmancy day spas, 但是在野外? 把它吸进去,涂上厚厚的一层!
之后, 如果你发现自己在家,渴望那惊人的浸泡赛, 犒赏自己下一个最好的东西,点一些@blackrockmud, a skin-pleasing mud mask (and worldwide luxury spa staple) family-harvested from a private hot spring on the outskirts of Gerlach. Get into this and nine other badass #OnlyInNevada adventures at the link in our bio! .
# 世界杯下注网站 #NVRoadTrip #Hot春天s #NVHot春天s #AdventureSeekers #Geothermal #ExploreNevada #OutWest #NevadaLife
#GuruRoad修复指日可待! 现在就注册吧,和我们一起踏上杜比巷! 项目包括岩画、维护和捡垃圾. 老少皆宜! http://blackrockdesert.org/guru-road-2019/⁣
#fbrhr #blackrockdesert #artinstallation #stewardship #optoutside #burnerbyway
这将是一个美丽的周末在最大的小城市! 有这么多值得探索的好地方,很难选择一个最喜欢的. 对我来说, it’s the overlook at Bartley Ranch Regional Park  and the “Nevada” pasture: rustic beauty in the heart of the city. 无法抗拒! 
#friday #friyay #reno #nevada #cityofreno #biggestlittlecity #renotahoe #beautiful #blueskies #weekend #travel #parks
