

想要的: 冒险感

It’s no secret that 内华达 speaks with its world-renowned white-glove hospitality at lavish resort-casinos 和 cozy roadside hotels sure to satisfy the road-less-traveled lover in all of us. 但事实是:在内华达州, 我们的特殊待遇就是我们的怪癖. If, instead, you’re looking for a vacation that’s irresistibly different, 内华达’s array of unique retreats 和 unusual accommodations have got you 覆盖. 感兴趣? 我们会相处得很好的.

  • 闹鬼的酒店和鬼城小屋
  • 外星人,小丑,和其他奇怪的主题过夜
  • 蒙古包,城堡,离网小屋等

从历史悠久的采矿小屋到偏远地区的蒙古包, 闹鬼的酒店及其他地方, 这里住宿的地方远不是一般的. 带上你的冒险精神, 和 get ready to overnight it in memory-maker mode.


小丑,覆盖 汽车旅馆大堂毗邻温泉的乡村小木屋 to a whole lineup of 闹鬼的酒店 和 off-grid guest ranch retreats, 的地方 to stay in the Silver 状态 are far from average. 带上你的冒险精神, 和 get ready to overnight it in memory-maker mode.







这里是西部一些最著名的新兴城市的所在地, rest assured that stories of the Wild West come alive at 闹鬼的酒店 in 内华达’s living 鬼城. 的 baddest of the bad, Pioche’s gunslinging scene blew Dodge City 和 Tombstone’s out of the water. 随着越来越多的 than 70 people laid to rest in one year’s time before a single person died of natural causes, 皮奥切的街道一片红彤彤. Today, Pioche is known as 内华达’s “liveliest ghost town,” 和 ghosts there are aplenty. 的 陆路酒店 & 轿车 is said to be such a paranormal magnet th在 Travel Channel’s 鬼冒险 has filmed many episodes here, surrounding shadowy figures in rooms 8, 10 和 15. 


自1861年开放以来, 金山酒店 是内华达州最古老的,也许也是最怪异的酒店. Just down the street from 维吉尼亚市, rooms 4 和 5 are said to have resident spirits. Room 5 is said to be haunted by William—many visitors have reported the scent of his tobacco—和 room 4 hosts an entity named Rosie, 金山的夜之女, who loves to trick guests by misplacing personal items 和 even filling the room with a rose scent. 的 whole town of 维吉尼亚市 is one of 内华达’s most haunted 的地方, with a resident spirit at just about every place in town. 寻找不安分的鬼魂 麦凯的豪宅—Johnny Depp once saw a ghost during his stay here—the 银皇后酒店或是由历史医院改造而成的美术馆 St. 玛丽艺术中心.


Ghostly figures are said to walk the hallways of Eureka’s Jackson House酒店 卡森城的 St. 查尔斯酒店,而 采金的酒店 is said to be one of the most haunted 的地方 in America—enough that some paranormal investigators even claim it’s a portal to the underworld. 的 采金的酒店 is no longer open for overnight stays or ghost tours, but you can get a taste of the era’s opulence just up the street 在 米斯酒店 在Tonopah. Home to resident ghost 的 Lady in Red—the most famous spirit of the Silver 状态—several children who play tricks on third floor guests, 地下室里还有几瓶矿工酒, the Mizpah is sure to send you home with a ghost story or two.


的 Lady in Red—Tonopah’s resident lady of the night—lived in a luxury suite on the fifth floor of the 米斯酒店. Murdered by a jealous lover in the hallway just outside her door, she’s 内华达’s most famous spirit. Stay in room 502 和 see if she pays you a visit—you’ll know she did if you find a pearl on your pillow.


Picture overnighting at a 小丑,覆盖 hotel next to a 闹鬼的历史公墓. 没错,在内华达州,我们就是这么办主题酒店的. As you bucket-list your way around the Silver 状态, make sure staying at Tonopah’s 小丑的汽车旅馆 在清单上. 召唤着来自全国各地的人们, the 小丑的汽车旅馆 lobby hosts what’s got to be the largest private collection of clown figurines—we’re talking hundreds 和 hundreds—a theme which carries throughout each room, 太.



尽可能靠近那个神秘的人 51区小一个前甲板'Inn 要么去瑞秋,要么去比蒂店 原子客栈 在…郊区 死亡谷国家公园. 在内华达州的这些地方,ufo是无与伦比的, 和 if that doesn’t turn you into enough of a believer, 拿点外星人主题的东西 在外星壁画旁摆姿势 还有标志 这个世界之外的自拍机会.

沙漠里的城堡怎么样? 拨入那些R&R振动,一次一个炮塔,在 天堂牧场城堡, serving up 360 views of the spectacular Reese River Valley 和 towering Toiyabe Range above, not far from the original Pony Express Route outside Austin. 计划寻找装饰华丽的房间, 大量的玩偶和棒球纪念品收藏, 还有必需的全套盔甲和剑. In the basement, you’ll find “的 Dungeon”—a game room, lounge 和 full bar.


内华达保存最完好的秘密之一是 红宝石山脉, about 30 minutes south of 埃尔 in northeastern 内华达. 这crowdless, rugged wilderness promises an endless lineup of summer 和 winter sports, 和 boasts the oldest family-run heli-ski outfit in the country. 预定一次滑雪之旅 红宝石山直升机体验, which means spending the night in the palatial, newly built 360年提出,或者预订他们的豪华酒店 野外蒙古包里 一年中的任何时候,滑雪或不滑雪. 10点在高高的圆顶帐篷里找个位置,000 feet elevation—or doze off to the babbling Conrad Creek low yurt for a whole new way to get to know the Rubies.

士兵梅多斯BLM小屋 & 营地

随着越来越多的 鬼城 和 mining ruins than any other state—it’s great to explore a 内华达 ghost town by day, 如果你能在里面过夜,那就更酷了. 在探索了保存完好的遗址后 金点鬼城—a near halfway point between 里诺 和 拉斯维加斯 along the 自由放养艺术公路-入住 金点床 & 早餐, where guest rooms occupy original miners cabins, 和 kick back in a 艾草轿车 看起来就像电影里的场景.


的 内华达 Bureau of L和 Management (BLM) maintains first come, first served cabins all over 内华达—some in far away 鬼城, 和附近的其他人 天然温泉. 在银峰附近的岩石上 & Nivloc鬼城,一些在 黑岩沙漠,并交叉手指得分 士兵梅多斯BLM小屋. 的re’s nothing better than posting up for the night in a 免费的, off-grid cabin where it’s just you, your campmates, maybe a resident b和 of 野驴子 who calls the area home, 和 a woodfired stove near a flowing of 天然温泉

金点鬼城床 & 早餐

Settle into 内华达’s Western heritage at a h和ful of guest ranches that honor the lifestyle 和 icons of the American West. 的re aren’t many out there that involve rounding up cows 和 helping with ranch work, but instead bring you face-to-face with 150 year old ranching operations 和 the cowboys who wrangle it all. 放松一下。 老耶拉狗牧场,从真正的土地管家那里听到故事 杨木牧场, 和 celebrate the majesty of adopted wild horses 在 野马纪念碑.



If you’re looking for a vacation that’s irresistibly different 和 brims with unique accommodations, 你来对地方了. 内华达 has always been known for its world-renowned white-glove hospitality at world-class hotels, 赌场, 和更多的. And don’t get us wrong; we love it all. 但如果你追求的是不一样的东西, 享受你在豪华酒店的时光, 然后出去走走, 走一些人迹罕至的路, 你很快就会发现: 我们的怪癖就是我们的特权. 

从著名的闹鬼酒店到小丑汽车旅馆, off-grid guest ranch retreats to hot spring haven backcountry cabins 的地方 to stay in the Silver 状态 are far from average. 带上你的冒险精神, 切换到记忆制造者模式, 和 get ready for the kind of overnight experiences that can only happen here. 

# Travel内华达

Seriously—If part of your trip includes staying at a 小丑,themed hotel or a castle in the desert, 它需要被记录. 带我们一起去吧,贴上“内华达州旅行”的标签. If we love it, look for it here 和 maybe even in next year’s Official 状态 Visitors Guide.

Спонтанная поездка, Неваду,🚍,🏜Час на сборы. Питание в придорожных кафе 🍟🍻🐷 кормление диких осликов ночью. Незабываемо 😁😊 #вдалиотцивилизации #вдалиотсуеты #californiaadventure #nevada #beattynevada
只是在沙漠里的城堡里随意地嗡嗡叫. 我热爱我的工作. 还有,这是我最喜欢的乐队照片. (滚动)
Just wrapped an epic film for @matadornetwork 和 @travelnevada. 请继续关注!
内华达在你的遗愿清单上吗? 应该是!
#GlobalGirlTravels #drone #aerial #dji #mavicpro @fromwhereidrone @djiglobal @droneoftheday @discovererdrone #fromwhereidrone #droneoftheday #discoverdrone #nevada #travelstoke # dontfencemein #travel #pilot #view #adventure #mountains #nv #filmmaker
•你有恐黑症吗? *对小丑的非理性恐惧
•我参观了世界著名的小丑汽车旅馆. 它在内华达州的托诺帕市已经有35年了. 🤡
•这里有600多个小丑. Leona和LeRoy David兄弟姐妹建造了这家汽车旅馆. 的ir dad was killed in the 1911 Belmont Mine Fire 和 is buried in the cemetery right next to the motel. 🤡
• #clowns #clown #tonopah #nevada #clownmotel #scary #haunted #cemetery #mining #gold #fire
Nothing says social distancing like staying in a tipi deep in the desert 🌵. 位于内华达州的莫哈韦沙漠, s和yvalleyranchnv is a Wild West haven that brings out the cowboy (or girl) in all guests. Explore the wide-open spaces 和 learn 更多的 about our Ranch getaways. 生物链接.
#ranchhouse #ranchers #ranchliving #ranchlifestyle #ranchwork #justranchin #ranchvacation #guestranch #rancher #ranching #mojavedesert #nevada #nevadadesert #s和yvalleyranch #findyouryonder
At 内华达 Northern Railway Museum, you'll have the opportunity to stay overnight in a real caboose. 22号车厢可能不会提供任何传统的便利设施, 但这将是一次你不会很快忘记的世界杯下注网站.

#内华达365 #内华达旅行#印度内华达旅行http://t.有限公司/ D92kgtwbqE
Flashback to last summer’s incredible Roadtrip to Rachel, 内华达州:世界UFO之都, 人口50!  In the middle of nowhere 和 the closest town to 51区 👽
#adventuretime #adventureseeker # roadtrips #dirtroads # roadtripping #restaurantmarketing # roadtripusa #ufohunters #scenicview #aliens #aliensarereal #conspiracytheory #thrillseekers #truth💯 #thrillseeker #tinytown #aliens👽 #middleofnowhere #alien #scifi #area51 #ethighway #extraterrestrial #explorenevada #rachelnv #alienstock #aliensarereal #ufosighting #worldufoday # roadtripping # roadtrippers # roadtriptv
美丽的夕阳环绕着St. 玛丽艺术中心!
# virginiacitynv 
# stmarysartcenter 
# sunsetview 
# artclassesforadults 
# miningtown 
# stmarylouisehospital 
# roadtrip 
# renotahoe 
# travelnevada 
# dontfencemein 
# oldarchitecture 
# oldhospital 
# oldhospitalbuilding 
# nevadahistory 
# nevadaviews 
# livingghosttown
Stop us if you’ve heard this one before – a man moves to 拉斯维加斯 as a professional casino wallpaper installer, 中大奖了, 用赢来的钱买了整个鬼城. ✨💁🏻‍♂️🎰🎉💰👻
Gold Point may not exist today if not for the efforts of Herb Robbins 和 his partners, Chuck和Walt Kremin. 历史爱好者和鬼城爱好者, they’ve lovingly preserved what remains of this boom-和-bust community. Pack an overnight bag 和 settle into an original miner’s cabin 在 金点鬼城 B&B, which features family-style dinners 和 a saloon that’s just aces. 的 stargazing in these parts ain’t 太 shabby either. 😉🌠
# Travel内华达 #NVGhostTown #Off的Grid #HowTo内华达 #Roadtrippers #NVRoadTrip #WeekendAdventure #RoadTripUSA #WishIWasHere #GhostTown #HomeMeans内华达
飞进来,飞出去! 谢谢, @melindaschnyder, 拉米尔的Ruby 360旅馆, 内华达, 在你的冬季露营地综述中!
http://t.有限公司/ XfgBHBQ69G

#NVTourism @aopa #飞机#飞行员http://t.有限公司/ er6HTKSLvi
你们听说过欧弗兰酒店吗 & 轿车前? 我们得待在里面! It was featured on-the Travel channels Ghost adventures show! 伙计,我喜欢内华达隐藏的小宝石!
#piochenevada #ghosttown #explorenevada #getoutdoors #travelthestates #outdoormamas #overl和hotel和saloon
